Quantre's Services


Standardizing redundant communications, templates, and customer content


What is Rationalization?

Rationalization is the process of eliminating and optimizing duplications. Legacy customer communications management (CCM) models used duplication processes during implementation projects to reduce development costs. After the implementation phase, duplicate communications, forms, touchpoints, templates, assets, and content increase an organization’s management and maintenance costs. Modern strategies deploy customer communications after template rationalization, form rationalization, touchpoint rationalization, and content rationalization analyses are completed, and duplicates have been consolidated and optimized. The analysis helps communication owners make decisions to improve efficiencies, simplify library repository complexity, complete touchpoint journey mapping, and lower the total cost of ownership for their communications management responsibilities.

Why is Communication and Content Rationalization Needed?

Duplicate and unoptimized communications, touchpoints, and customer content can create a poor customer experience and undesired action by the customer. This occurs when an organization uses multiple communication touchpoints and channels for the same business purpose. If communication touchpoints and messaging content are not managed together, it may create inconsistent and wrong customer messaging. This occurs when communications, touchpoints, and content are managed in silos within different communication workflows resulting in redundant, outdated, or confusing customer content. Rationalization analysis identifies optimizations that can benefit the organization, such as:

  1. Standard messaging content, tone, branding, and personalization
  2. Increasing the effectiveness of your communication process
  3. Use governance to drive efficiencies, cost controls, and compliance

CCM Methodology Content Centric Model Value Proposition

Follow the C.O.D.E.  = Create Once, Deliver Everywhere!

Quantre Solutions Communications Rationalization Framework

Communication rationalization initiatives need a framework that aligns with stakeholder goals and is repeatable across the organization.

  1. Align communications management strategies and goals
  2. Design governance model to CCM capabilities and resource strengths
  3. Develop and optimize the customer experience, touchpoints, and templates
  4. Consolidate and optimize customer content and manage it by the business
  5. CX: Deliver customer content in the customer’s preferred channel

Optimized Communications Management Model

Communication Rationalization Analysis by Quantre Delivers Results

Quantre’s rationalization analysis documents the AS-IS environment, analyzes touchpoints and content, performs customer journey mapping analysis, and demonstrates the rationalization methodologies by consolidating and optimizing communications, touchpoints, templates, and customer content.

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